Do you have a passion for solving social challenges to improve lives?
Do you want to create practical interventions on Sustainable Development Goals?
Join us and let’s Jam for the Global Goals!
What is Global Goals Jam (GGJ)?
– An event consisting of short design sprints, an initiative designed by The Digital Society School, Amsterdam University of Applied sciences with UNDP, taking place simultaneously in 65 locations all over the world.
– An international platform, where teams around the world will design practical, actionable interventions to help achieve the Sustainable Development Global Goals.
– A local platform where multidisciplinary teams of like-minded people are pushed to take entrepreneurial actions on relevant local challenges.
– The possibility to learn and practice design methods, develop an idea that can make a difference locally and globally.
This year in Taiwan, we will focus on the topic of Migration (SDGs #10 and #16) and Sustainable Development (SDGs #1 and #8). Let’s design #2030now!
|什麼是Global Goals Jam?
– 聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)是一個全球性的議題,不是單一的組織或政府就能夠解決的問題,而是需要集結各方的力量,共同創造屬於在地的創新解決方案。
– Global Goals Jam 就是透過共創工作坊的形式集結各領域的專家,一同為五大可持續發展目標主題構思出可應用於社會的產品模型和服務策略。
– 由於勞動力的缺口使得台灣移工數量日益增長,產生了許多的外籍移工問題,因此今年的Global Goals Jam Taiwan 將以移工(Migration)為主軸,邀請來自各領域對移工議題有興趣的夥伴,跟我們一起發想創新的解決方案。
- 漂泊的異鄉人:為什麼我們需要關注移工的議題?
- 一體兩面 Benefit/Harm:用不一樣的視野看移工
- 問題剖析:真正的痛點在哪裡?
- 腦力激盪:碰撞出創新解方
時間|10:00-16:00(09:30-10:00 報到入場)
地點|台北NPO聚落4F Kitchen Lab
地址|台北市中正區重慶南路三段2號4樓 (近中正紀念堂捷運站)
Please check the following link to our series event: https://www.accupass.com/go/2019taiwan4sdgs