





(“GGJ”) is an initiative of the United Nations Development Program and the Digital Society School, at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam.  It seeks to design realistic, actionable interventions for the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) that take shape as startups, non-profit or for-profit companies.

A GGJ in Moscow (“GGJ Moscow”)* is a 1-day event consisting of short design sprints, ideating, presenting and discussing startup business plans for the attainment of the SDG 7, Sustainable Energy in the local context. Creative teams of designers, developers and Jammers from the local communities work together using a tailored toolkit that applies a method of design thinking to addressing and solving challenges of realizing the SDG 7. 

The purpose of GGJ Moscow: 

• Introduce audience to the methodology of design thinking underpinning the GGJ concept

• Conduct a series of case analytical and visual  exercises applying design thinking to attaining SDG 7, Sustainable Energy, in the local context. Each team working on the selected target of SDG 7 will have developed and delivered a business plan for a startup initiative to achieve it.

Target audience: Upper classmen / university students, young professionals and concerned citizens.


*GGJ Moscow is part of a 3-day event organized by Goal Number Seven, a Moscow-based intitiave to promote affordable solutions to sustainable energy challenges in Russia.

Event Date: 17 November 2019

Event Time: 14:00 – 19:00 local time

Event Location: ImpactHub Moscow

Khokhlovskiy Pereulok, 7/9 строение 2, вход 3

Moscow, Russia, 101000

