You are invited to expand your network, learn new design methods, develop and share your ideas with other participants from 85 cities all over the world.
Do you have a passion for solving social challenges to improve lives?
Join us to in the Third edition of the #GlobalGoalsJam in Dehradun, India, where local innovators and creatives will join teams around the world in designing actionable interventions toward achieving the Global Goals. This event hosted by HaritaDhara Research Development and Education Foundation (HRDEF)
You are invited to expand your network and learn design methods from Digital Society School, During the 2015 Social Good Summit, 193 world leaders committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by year 2030. As an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme and Digital Society School, the Global Goals Jam seeks to design realistic, actionable interventions for these goals.
The Global Goals Jam in Dehradun focuses on the following global themes:
Education for All (SDG 4, SDG 10)
- Public Health (SDG 3, SDG 11)
- Nature and Climate Change (SDG 13, SDG 15)